Friday, December 21, 2007 ♥.
HEY PEEPS (:today went to junyuan primary.painted the courts under the hot sun.ther were only seven of us only.tmrr's match, i not going alrd.i wish both teams luck.& to that particular team who told methat you'll definately win, i hope you sure do it. jiayou (:next week's packed alrd! ~we were pissed over you, you shud know.
if you dont wish to go, then just speak the truth.
every time say you not feeling well.
as if we want to go also, c'mon.
if you're not comitted then forget it la,
its not even the first time or what.
signing off--
Left @ 12/21/2007 09:15:00 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007 ♥.
HEY PEePS (:ytd went out with relatives again.went to bowl at marine parade till late hour ~reached home around 3plus near 4 (:slept the whole day, okay almost la. lolhmms, then today suposed to go their house de.but end up i stayed home, but my family went.cause i dont feel like going, i stayed home!its better, i get to watch tv, MY IDOL SINGING! ;Dokayokay, im mad, i apologize xPtmrr's training, its more like CIP !whatever it is, sleep early pple & sweet dreams ^^& apologizes for those not replied msges, phone got prob.; i duno what the hell you want now,but it wont affect me in any ways.
signing off--l.a.l.l.a.l.a
Left @ 12/20/2007 11:44:00 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007 ♥.
HEY PEEPS (:today's training was like.....bored, my dearest sec ones didn't turn up!i guess they were not informed about it ba.then only 7 of us turned up , zzz.but the junyuan primary students are all like damn cute!lols, alrights la. see how it goes tmrr.whatever it is, im going out & that's it (:signing off--l.a.l.l.a.l.a
Left @ 12/19/2007 05:28:00 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 ♥.
HEY PEEPS (:sorry sorry sorry sorry!~MY APOLOGIES TO EVERYONE.i know its been like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...okay seven days not blogging alrd!sorrysorry, but since i promised to update today.its not yet 12, so i will still give my word! gosh, i've been out lately with no time to blog but its not an excuse la.cause mainly, is a lazy to blogg ma.and yeayea, FINALLY found the time to go kboxwith my buddy alrd yea? hees (:trainings are still fine but i miss JAMAYNE! )xlast time saying ; IM SORRY! =Xwill try to go back to normal blogging time again! ^^oh yeas, thanks for those pple encouraging me,about my singing, hahas xiexie a thousand!even thou i dont know who're you (:hope those pple who love music will also be the same!YEAYY, MUSIC IS LIFE ;DD; everything starts from today (:signing off--l.a.l.l.a.l.a
Left @ 12/18/2007 10:55:00 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007 ♥.
HEY PEEPS (:went for trg today.well, it was boring really! but nvm ba ..hahas, went to yingxiu house awhikle.then had lunch tgt at tm foodcourt then home!still thinking when can go kbox,cause i duno when free. paisei ehs buddy! =xsang the whole day at home today!~YESSSAAHHHHHH ; SINGING IS LIFE! ;DDME & RACHEL ( BEST SISTERS / COUSINS )

( yes , the one i dote on most (: )
; nothing's gonna change it now & future.
signing off--
Left @ 12/10/2007 08:26:00 PM
Sunday, December 09, 2007 ♥.
HEY PEEPS (:ytd went out prawning with relatives.& busying the whole day, so din update =xtmrr having training at simei! looking forward to it, YEAYS i miss my netballers ;DDhahas, im so happy nowadays! ^^REPLY TO TAGGS (:
gradelia` ; hahas, not emo la. now wont anymore (: PROMISE!angela ; hehhs, i recover lo! yeayea, i love you too !BenZhux ; hahas hellohello! thanks for tagging. love you too (:JOLIN ; so clever leh JOLIN! hehhs. ;DD passer-by ; yeayea, they rocked like hell right? hahaha!~yeayea, dont worry, i'll blogg nicenice songs up for sure!lol. how you know i sing? thankks anyways ^^=D ; hahas yeapps, thankks! you rock too, anyone who loves music rock. cause music is life! yeayyys!~- ; hahas, dont like that say. i will shy one leh. =PPthankks, i will jiayou but anyone who loves singing rocks (:vinnie <3 ; hahas, thankks la! i love you too =P
VANESSA ; go out to kbox SOOON! ;DD
jam ; yeays, im back in one piece! (:
penguin ; KUA ZANG EHS YOU! -.-
passer-by ; hahas thankks, you too!
; im much happier now, thanks babe! ;DD
signing off--
Left @ 12/09/2007 07:32:00 PM
Friday, December 07, 2007 ♥.
HEY PEEPS (:IM BACKKKKK!well, i duno what kinda feelings & mood i brought back.happy that im back in my cozy home ORsad that i left my m'sia frens & other school mates.just now cried so badly la, didn't know everyone becameso sentimental, really really very very.actually didn't want to cry, cause i controlled alrd.but later on i see my buddy cry then walau ehss ~sadd sadd sad, now eyes swollen sia ):thot this FIVE DAYS CAMP will be boring.but everyone treasured the times tgt, awwww.IMISS MY M'SIA FRENS & CAMP MATES! ):i wont forget those smiles you all made.
those angry & fcuked up times.
those stupid lame crapps from jz & szexin.
those laughters from kim peng & hwee chin.
kayaking with my buddy working hard.
limin tearing our group name 'DEDIKASI' back to our table.
ka hoe being so damn retarded.
ME SPITTING OUT WATER at ismail & szexin & jz.
washing those plates & cups tgt.
when you guys scold *
playing that stupid game & cut pple at the neck! esp;jz.
szexin doing the area cleaning at the toilet in uniform xDI LOVE YOU GUYYYS ;DDPHOTOOS!

his quote ' got food got me!' ;DD
& his crappps with szexin (:
tampinesians with their buddies.
( swollen eyes )
( swollen eyes )

( taken ytd. limin heavy la! lie on my back! xP
ther, szexin looked so goondu, he siiting infront of me! )
signing off--
Left @ 12/07/2007 06:33:00 PM
Sunday, December 02, 2007 ♥.
wont be blogging for at least FIVE DAYS.
im going on camp tmrr alrd till friday (:
actually kinda reluctant to go, im exhausted.
but since thers no other choice, who knows,
i might be better when i come back! ;DD
apologizes for not not blogging ytd & replies of msges.
was out till 2plus am. yeaps (:
TAKECARE PPLE, i'll miss you guys, & my blogg! ;DD
p.s ; thanks for allpasserbys & frens support! hahas.
but i hope that pple out ther wont tagg for the time being.
thankks alot frens! i'll be back soon & i'll reply taggs (:

Left @ 12/02/2007 05:53:00 PM